A School Day with the Hongirana Foundation  

When we convey learning and knowledge using various approaches, they tend to become more firmly ingrained and possess a lasting impact. Certain lessons require diligence and effort to master, while others are best acquired through enjoyable activities. Particularly for younger students, a significant amount of knowledge can be effectively imparted through playful and natural means. When students engage in these activities with a sense of ownership, their newfound knowledge becomes enduring. Below is a concise overview of the activities that unfold during a typical day at the school, all of which are nurtured and guided by the Hongirana Foundation, for the improvement of education.

Activity 1 – Play

The students performed a play that emphasized the importance of honesty and resisting the temptation of dishonesty, even when it may seem enticing and convenient. The play, primarily in Kannada, tells the story of a young student on a public bus with just enough money for a ticket to a destination short of their intended stop. A fellow passenger suggests pretending to be asleep and overshooting the purchased ticket’s destination, hoping it would go unnoticed by the bus conductor. However, the protagonist in the play chooses to uphold higher ideals and declines this unethical proposition. The co-passenger, initially regretful, reconsiders the misguided idea. Ultimately, when the bus reaches the stop for which the ticket was purchased, the student exits, concluding the play on a positive note.

The entire class participated in the play, with students portraying various characters like the bus driver, route manager, conductor, and co-passengers. Through numerous rehearsals, this performance became an integral part of the educational process, reinforcing the importance of honesty and discouraging unethical behavior through repetition and practice.

Here is the video of the play.

Activity 2 – English Language

Through an innovative initiative led by Shruti from the Hongirana Foundation, students were brought closer to the English language. They acquired common vocabulary and honed their sentence formation skills through storytelling. In one particular instance, students explained the science behind the transformation of nectar into honey, detailing how it originates in flowers and is stored in bee hives. This process was already familiar to the students due to their close connection with nature, which facilitated a natural flow of ideas. They meticulously organized the honey-making process, breaking it down into manageable segments and creating charts to represent their thoughts. Subgroups of students collaborated to craft the most effective sentences to convey their ideas.

Although narrating this story in a different language initially posed a challenge, it gradually evolved from a few words to small sentences, and eventually, students became adept at constructing their own sentences. It was heartening to witness their growth from basic foundations, fueled by their determination to learn. Working in small groups allowed them to support each other, correct mistakes, and share in moments of laughter, emphasizing the importance of fun in the educational process—a universal recipe for success.

Below is a brief excerpt of one of their presentations…

Activity 3 – Folklore Songs

ಕರ್ಮಣಿ ಏವ ತೇ ಅಧಿಕಾರ:
ಮಾ ಫಲೇಷು ಕದಾಚನ

Karmani eva te adhikara
ma phaleshu kadacana


You have a right to perform your prescribed duty, but you are not entitled to the fruits of action.

Twenty students, spanning grades 3 to 7, are enthusiastically gearing up for an inter-school competition this month. Following rigorous auditions, only three of them were chosen to represent the school. These three dedicated students are now diligently practicing, driven by a strong sense of responsibility and a desire to excel. Their efforts not only reflect their commitment but also carry the hopes and pride of the school community. We eagerly anticipate their outstanding performance at the upcoming competition.

Here is a small clip from one of the songs

In conclusion, with these varied forms of learning, school has been transformed through the efforts of The Hongirana Foundation, to be an engaging and sought after place, with a great meaning attached to students and offering a welcoming place for education. 

1 thought on “A School Day with the Hongirana Foundation  

    • Author gravatar

      Excellent activities . Great initiative of embarking good habits in young minds . All the best Team Hongirana . Proud of you guys 👏🏻👏🏻

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