A Dream Come True: Inauguration of New Classrooms at Ganigarapalya School


It is with overwhelming joy that we share the news of the recent inauguration of brand new classrooms at Ganigarapalya School on June 10th. This incredible achievement is a testament to the remarkable efforts of Rotary Club Bangalore Junction and a dream fulfilled for the HF team. Let’s delve into the background of this project and the impact it has had on the school and its students.

Tour of New Classrooms


Since the HF team embarked on their collaboration with Ganigarapalya School, the need for additional classrooms has become strikingly evident.

Ganigarapalya School caters to students from grades 1 to 7, with an associated Anganawadi. Despite its commendable efforts, the school was facing a pressing need for additional classrooms. The existing single-story building, occupying around 5000 square feet, was constructed six years ago. The teaching staff consisted of five government-appointed teachers and two guest teachers from the Hongirana Foundation. Alongside regular classes, volunteer-led sessions in subjects like Math, Kannada, English, Science, and Art were conducted to enhance the quality of education. However, due to space constraints, children often had to sit outside in corridors for extra sessions, disrupting both their learning and the adjoining classrooms.

Moreover, the school lacked dedicated spaces for a library, smart classrooms, storing laboratory materials, and sports equipment. Recognizing the importance of providing quality education, the HF team aimed to address these challenges by creating additional rooms that would cater to the various needs of the students.

Number of Students268
Number of Girl Students140
Number of Boy Students128
Number Classrooms5
Number of Toilets
(1 for Teachers, 1 for Boys, 1 for Girls)

The Journey

Driven by a passion for change, Mrs. Kavitha Rajumohan from the HF team embarked on a quest to find donors and project executors. Eventually, Rotary Club Bangalore Junction came forward with their generous sponsorship and commitment to executing the project. A special thanks to Mr. Srinivasan Narayanaswamy for his invaluable assistance in making this collaboration possible.

Gratitude and Achievement

The HF team extends heartfelt appreciation to the Rotary Club Bangalore Junction for their unwavering support and the incredible classrooms they constructed. The skilled team from Rotary accomplished the construction within a mere three months, ensuring minimal disruption to the school’s daily operations. On March 10th, the groundbreaking ceremony set the stage for a brighter future for Ganigarapalya School.

HF and the Gananigarapaalya school are immensely grateful to the generous donors who made this project possible. We express our deepest thanks to Mr. Monalisa and Mr. Pradeep Dhandhania, Mrs. Nitu and Mr. Manish Agarwal, and Mrs. Rita & Mr. Bipin Ram Agarwal for their invaluable contributions. Special recognition is also extended to Ms. Nitu Saraf, the president, and past presidents Mr. Ajay Bhauwala & Mr. B G Raj for their assistance in successfully executing this project.

Inauguration and Celebrations

The momentous occasion of the classroom inauguration took place on June 10th in the presence of distinguished guests, including Rotary District Governor Mr. Jithendra Aneja, presidents and ex-presidents of Rotary Club Bangalore Junction, donors, the entire Rotary team, the HF team, authorities from the education department, school authorities, and prominent local citizens. The event marked a significant milestone in the school’s journey towards enhanced educational facilities and opportunities for its students.


The inauguration of the new classrooms at Ganigarapalya School stands as a testament to the power of collaboration and the transformative impact it can have on the lives of young learners. Thanks to the remarkable efforts of Rotary Club Bangalore Junction and the unwavering commitment of the HF team, the school now boasts beautiful and well-equipped classrooms that will serve as catalysts for quality education and holistic development. This achievement is a step closer to realizing the shared dream of empowering students with the resources they deserve, and it sets the stage for an inspiring future at Ganigarapalya School.

1 thought on “A Dream Come True: Inauguration of New Classrooms at Ganigarapalya School

    • Author gravatar

      Amazing and so gratifying to read this. School infrastructure plays a vital role in building a positive learning environment. Hats off to your perseverance HF team.

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