Good Touch Vs Bad Touch

In today’s world, educating children about sexual development, sexual identity, and related topics is crucial. These are difficult subjects to discuss, but it is necessary to guide children as they grow older to learn about their body parts, functions, safety, and the importance of privacy and private parts. It is essential to teach children that no one is allowed to touch their private parts, and that these areas should always be kept covered and safe in public spaces, including schools. Additionally, children must be taught to respect “body space.”

To create awareness about sexual abuse and what to do if subjected to it, the Hongirana Foundation arranged a talk on good touch vs bad touch for 5th, 6th, and 7th graders. The talk was conducted by a group of youngsters from the Rotary Harmony club and was a brief yet effective way to raise awareness.

The children were shown posters to learn about what constitutes “good touch” and “bad touch.” “Good touch” was explained as a way for people to show that they care for each other and help each other, such as hugging, holding hands, and changing a baby’s diaper. In contrast, “bad touch” is the kind of touch that a child does not like and wants to stop immediately, such as hitting, kicking, or touching private parts. The children were also taught appropriate behaviors while in school and were advised to say “NO” and immediately inform an adult about any touches that are confusing or scare them. 

It is essential to teach children to respect their bodies and personal space, and to speak up if someone makes them uncomfortable. By educating children on these important topics, we can help ensure that they grow up feeling safe and empowered. It is our responsibility as adults to ensure that every child understands the importance of good touch vs bad touch and the value of protecting themselves and their peers.

The teachers led by the headmaster also actively participated in explaining these concepts to the children.